By September 13, 2021No Comments

What is attitude? Why does it make a difference to your life? Canthe right attitude make your day easier? Hello to everyone and hope you are all enjoying our blogs we set out specifically for you.

We create these blogs with YOU in mind because we know that they can be of help to you and the people around you. So if you are reading this, make sure to share this link with everyone. So let us start by defining the word ATTITUDE.


Attitude means the settled way of thinking and feeling about something. How you respond to a specific thing, idea, episode in your life. Life can be hard at times and who has not had those moments??!!!! As we often hear the saying……when the going gets tough, the tough gets going.


So when life happens how do we respond to the pain, the disappointment, the tragedy, the loss, the betrayal, the setback, your struggle ? When all seems in darkness and we not only not see the light at the end of the tunnel, we get stuck in the tunnel of our darkness.


How do we respond to that? What is our attitude to all this? It is OK for all these setbacks to happen in our lives. They happen to us all the time. We cannot reverse that and it is more than OK to react, to cry or feel angry about a particular situation .


We cannot suppress that because it would be worse, and we are humans filled with different emotions. Yet it is not ok to keep reliving the bad emotions all over again and again as if it is happening now. But we do it all the time, do we not? And that is why in our S.Y.L. project we assist our clients how to shift their mindset to an attitude which gives them a more positive result in their lives and their work.


Life is meant to be lived with grace and joy even in the moments of obscure darkness. Let us even look at the practicality of any challenging situation. If we keep hammering a past dark episode in our minds and beings, all the time, like a broken record, would it help ? This reminds me of a great movie (by the way watching great movies is my passion. I learn so much from them).


The movie is “BRIDGE OF SPIES” where Tom Hanks plays the role of the lawyer James B. Donovan and defends an alleged KGB spy, Rudolf Abel, in the US courts. He is eventually called upon to negotiate an exchange of Rudolf with a US pilot, Francis Powers, who was caught in the USSR in that time in history.


The lawyer was explaining to Rudolf the critical situation he found himself and what could be a disastrous result for him and the lawyer said to Rudolf: “ You don’t seem to be alarmed Rudolph?” Rudolph’s reply was “ Would it help?” And this reply became the famous repeated words from the famous Russian spy throughout the movie .


What an attitude of calmness in a situation which could have costed him his life !!!! Yet no matter what challenge we face in life, it is our attitude towards that same challenge that makes the whole difference. And the weight carried in our mindset becomes lighter if we only understand that we cannot reverse a past action. We can only get the learning and insight from that same action to help us move forward.


All this is not about just being positive and press an invisible button on our mind saying “ lets be positive”. No way. This is about embracing the fear of what you are facing. We cannot turn away from pain and fear. Its best to examine it and go through it. Because tough times do not last, only tough people do.


Fear is important as, it is when fear presents itself in our very beings that courage joins in. Courage only appears where there is fear. They are partners. When we push ourselves in any situation – head on, not by the side, or over the situation, – but just smash right through it, that is when we feel the fear and we do it anyway.

We need to learn the discipline of shifting our thinking, fill our minds with the thoughts that build us up and it is a process that we take through our S.Y.L. clients . At the end of the matter, what is important is, what thoughts we put in our minds, what kind of thinking do we let “breed” in our mindset . As it is rightly put …….

“Watch your thoughts,
Because they become words.
Watch your words,
Because they become actions.
Watch your actions,
Because they become habits.
Watch your habits,
Because they become

And how do you want your destiny to develop ??!!!!!!!

Penned by Odette Chetcuti

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